Spinal Decompression

4 Reasons Patients Love the Back on Trac Experience
No scary restraints or belts: Unlike yesterday’s treatment solutions, Back on Trac offers therapy without all those cumbersome restraints and belts that patients hate.
Lasting relief because ALL the important areas are targeted: Therapy is delivered through gentle stretching of the spine, joints, and a wide range of important muscles, including those in the back, neck, hips, and thighs.
It's non-invasive and it works: Any time an effective solution can be found for chronic back pain, patients rejoice!
It doesn't just work - it feels great: Patients start out seated and are gently leaned back with benefits of vibration and heat which puts patients in a relaxed state of mind and body!
What is the Back on Trac?
Back on Trac is a unique system that provides many different treatment options to help relieve pain and chronic back pain by offering a safe and effective stretch on the thoracic and lumbar spine along with other exercises!
It gently stretches the spine, joints and muscles in the back, neck, hips and thighs. It also has NO RESTRAINTS OR BELTS!
Features on Back on Trac:
21 Treatment options
Vibration Therapy
Heat Therapy
Starts in seated position and slowly lowers you back
Handicap accessible
Lateral/Bilateral Flexion
Are you suffering from any of the following?
Low back pain
Muscle Spasms
Muscle Strains
Bulging Disc
Numbness/Soreness/Pain in your back
Pain in Hips and Thighs
Stiffness in neck
Trouble with Flexibility and/or Mobility
List of Benefits from Back on Trac:
Low Back Pain
Facet Syndrome
Herniated Disc
Protruding Disc
Extruded Disc
Spinal Fusion
Degenerative Disc Disease
Therapeutic Exercise
Pain Management
Pain Reduction
Pain Elimination
Neuromuscular Reeducation
Spinal Stenosis Congenital and Degenerative
Multimodal Sensory Stimulation

Bulging, Herniated and degenerative discs are often the root cause of many people’s neck or back pain. If you’ve been told you have one of these disc problems that’s causing your pain, you may also be looking for an alternative to drugs and surgery.
Non-surgical spinal decompression is a gentle and effective treatment for spinal disc problems. It may help you avoid injections, pain medications, and even surgery.
Research Proves it is an Effective Treatment
According to the Shealy-Borgmeyer study, non-surgical disc decompression was 92% effective in relieving pain due to a problem disc. The Odell Study revealed that 80% of people showed 50% or more pain relief 4 years after treatment with 92% resuming normal activities. More research studies are available on our website. The takeaway from these studies is that decompression is safe, effective, and a long term solution for disc related problems.
How Your Decompression Treatments are performed:
Your doctor uses your MRI, X-Ray, and examination findings to determine the disc that is the root cause of your pain. A harness system is used to specifically pull apart or “decompress” the problem disc. There is a programmed pull phase and rest phase that the computer will cycle through specific to your body type and disc problem. This allows fluid to re-enter the disc and reduce pressure on the nerve.
Our tables are comfortable and fully automated to make your session as pain-free as possible. A trained technician is available throughout the session to ensure comfort and safety. Many patients find the treatment so relaxing, they fall asleep during the session.
How long does a session take?
Your sessions are custom tailored to your condition. Treatment time can be anywhere from 15-25 minutes. Research indicates best long term satisfaction and pain reduction is achieved with 20-30 sessions over a 12 week period. Your treatment plan will be determined by your doctor.
Most patients notice an improvement within 3-6 treatments while some notice a change after only 1 session.
What can YOU expect?
Decompression therapy is most commonly a part of a comprehensive plan. Your care may include chiropractic adjustments to restore normal joint function, pain relief therapies such as laser and electric stimulation, and specific exercises to strengthen and stabilize your spine to give you the best chance of returning to normal activities. The healthier you and your spine are, the less likely the chance of problems returning.
Who can benefit from Spinal Decompression?
Anyone who has back pain or neck pain caused in whole or in part by a damaged disc may be helped by spinal decompression therapy. These conditions include herniated discs, protruding discs or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, leg pain, leg numbness, and arm pain, arm numbness, or radiculopathy (pinched nerves) and certain types of headaches.
Decompression may also benefit those who've already had spinal surgery. Your doctor will determine your eligibility for the treatment. Certain conditions prohibit the use of decompression.