Knee Treatments
​The Knee On Trac is a non-invasive knee pain therapy that offers a revolutionary solution for those that live with every day knee pain. This device isolates the knee for safe and effective traction to decrease pain.
What is the Knee On Trac?
The Knee On Trac is a non-invasive knee pain therapy that offers a revolutionary solution for those that live with every day knee pain. This device isolates the knee for safe and effective traction to recrease pain. Studies show that mechanical traction was more effective in decreasing pain and improving quality of life than using conventional methods alone.
How does it do this?
Decreases inflammation
Allows re-hydration
Increases range of motion
Speeds up healing process
We can help you get back to doing things that are important to you and the things you love doing most! Like:
Spending time with family and friends
Playing with Grandchildren
Running or any sport
Knee In Trac help those who suffer from:
Chronic Knee Pain
Sub-acute Muscle Strain
Chronic Muscle Strain
ACL Injuries
Meniscus Tear
Failed Surgery
List of Benefits from Knee On Trac:
Sprain Strain
Meniscus Tear (Simple & Complex)
Lateral collateral tear
Medial collateral tear
Post Surgerical Rehab
Total Knee Replacement
Cartilage Regeneration
Synovial Production
Pain Reduction
Theraputic Exersice
Pain Elimination
Pain Management